Need to get from Karon beach to Phuket airport? We recommend ordering a minibus taxi from your hotel or apartment. Feel free to take any amount of Luggage with you. After all, you will have a Toyota Kommuter at your disposal.
Fill out the simplified order form. The support service will answer all your questions around the clock. You can book a taxi from Phuket Airport to Karon Beach at least two hours before arrival.
Price for vehicle Toyota Commuter in Thai baht (THB) for one-way trip
For other taxi directions, see here
For other taxi directions, see here.
Price for a trip at night time (11:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m.) increases for 250 THB. The prices taxi Phuket Airport to Karon Beach are final and no extra payments are required.
You can cancel your booking for free, not less than 24 hours before the beginning of trip.
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